Blue Ridge Collection

Form. Light. The juxtaposition of objects, creation and decay, the natural and the mystical, the mystery of death. The joy of presence, the joy of vision. What is seen and what comes from within oneself. Find here a selection of visualizations I made near my home in rural Virginia in the late 1970s.

Some of these images were seen in group and solo exhibitions. Read selected critical reviews here.

Mind Space Winter night sky over Blue Ridge Mountains,. Kilby Farm. Sperryville, Virginia, 38°40'26.4
Mind Space
Tanery Tannery, Luray, Virginia
TK-78-BW-048-G Tannery, Luray, Virginia
Lone Pine Pine tree in burn zone, Shenandoah NP, Virginia
Lone Pine
Ice and Fog Ice storm, Shenandoah NP, Virginia
Ice and Fog
Frozen Dog Dog caught in ice storm, near Panorama, Shenandoah NP, Virginia
Frozen Dog
Old Rag Old Rag Mountain and clouds, near Etlan, Madison County, Virginia
Old Rag
Rest Energy
Rest Energy
TK-78-BW-090A-G Track crossing, Depot Avenue, Front Royal, Virginia; 38°56'32.1
Lightening Birds Birds killed by lightning, Kilby Farm, Sperryville, Virginia
Lightening Birds
TK-78-BW-113-G West Virginia barber
TK-78-BW-115-G Limestone mine, West Virginia
TK-78-BW-123A-G Railroad crossing, Elkton, Virginia
Fossil America
Fossil America
TK-80-BW-49-G Rat carcass and snake skin, concrete floor of shed, Kilby farm, Sperryville, Virginia